#just a girl and her love for editing her site!
Credits for kikita.neocities.com
the site
I've been editing my pages since myspace > tumblr > blogspot days and recently decided to change from a self hosted site on wordpress.org
(where i've been blogging since 2018) and switch over to
neocities and
siteground hosting (maybe ill change this?) since it gives me easier ways to edit my site since im not good at coding! also it was getting expensive to blog on there when i wasnt making much money.. might as well come to neocities where i actually spend most of my time now enjoying the editing process!
Heres my buttons:
link to:
https://kikita.neocities.org or soyvirgo.com
I decided to use
siteground because of the customer service and price.
thanks / credits
themes i used!!!
by the way this pages theme was by waruki themes but i cant find the account anymore
valerie vengeance(until it kills) and spacehey.com for homepage theme (i edited a ton)
valerie vengeance(until it kills) afor blog theme (i edited a ton)
valerie vengeance(until it kills) a for credits theme (i edited a ton)
valerie vengeance(until it kills) a for sitemap theme (i edited a ton)
pixels and transparents i used!!!
my resource tumblr,
pixel dreams,
pixel-soup (also have my chatbox on the side thanks to pixelsoup!)
and many more but i will usually reblog on kikiskositas and tag #using" if im using them on this site
random things i used!!!
sadgrl for button maker
itinerae other res site
html color codes to copy and past color codes!
free web effect scripts for floating hearts / text effects you see on my site.
marquee tag so the text can scroll and what not
credits for homepage!!!
chii gif for updates tab
bianca rosa for last.fm widget!!!
credits for credits page!!!
credits for blog page!!!
credits for homepage!!!
past themes
other credits
#this is now a credits page weee!!!